Location : Some street, Poole, BN1
Phone : 07761 088211
We're here to help! Whether you have a question, need more information about our events and membership, or simply want to connect with our team, we'd love to hear from you.
Need Any Help? Or Looking Join the Club?

    Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
    Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
    About The Business Hub

    Our Business HUB is a dedicated platform for Italian professionals and business owners.

    Promote your business through our exclusive Business Directory, a platform where Italian-owned businesses and services are showcased to the wider Club Italia UK community and beyond. From restaurants to freelancers, retail businesses, and professional services, the Business Directory helps connect Italian entrepreneurs with those who value and seek Italian quality and expertise.

    Why Join the Business HUB?

    We’re So Much Trusted
    Charity Fundations

    Give everything of yourself to those you love and if there is anything left, give that too! Most of our popular.

    Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for service many volunteers.

    Benefit shall be given for donations made in kind such as donation of clothes, food, etc.


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